Submariners are a different bread; we walk a different path; we answer to a different calling. As the shirt says, Some reach for the stars, but SUBMARINES answer the call...
Days, weeks, even months, submariners have been practicing social distancing since April, 11. 1900! Let those around you know you got this. All our apparel is proudly designed by Navy...
Everyone knows that familiar smell. No matter how long you are on board, you come away with that robust scent of Amine. Now you can advertise the submariners' fragrance of...
As we serve our time on board, we go through a process, a de-evolution if you will, as we revert to a more primitive form through our journey to become...
You are not supposed to be here! You were not invited and you are not even welcome, but has that ever stopped you before? All our apparel is proudly designed...
Fast-moving contact bearing 113, recommend "Emergency Deep!" Every submariner has been through countless of these close calls. All our apparel is proudly designed by Navy veterans and printed in the...
Commence Field Day! Pick your cleaning weapon of choice and make the COB proud. Death to all Dust Bunnies! All our apparel is proudly designed by Navy veterans and printed...
You don't have to be Bruce Willis to get the gals, just let them know what submariners do with a vengeance! All our apparel is proudly designed by Navy veterans...
Let's face it, you ARE a "Dig it." You wouldn't be here if you weren't. You are a qualified submariner in the greatest Navy in the world, what's not to...
No matter if it's a quick Tiger cruise or a 6-month deployment, All Dives Matter!All our apparel is proudly designed by Navy veterans and printed in the U.S.A! • 100%...